By Doren Aldana
We just created a cool new postcard for you, specifically designed to help you capitalize on a virtually untouched, neglected market: HOME SELLERS! Why bother marketing to home sellers? Well, for starters, the vast majority of home sellers will need financing to buy their next home. Secondly, due to the high cost of procrastination (being homeless or having to rent) you will never find a more motivated buyer. Lastly, if you’re fortunate enough to “get in” with a home seller before they sell their home, they can recommend you to their prospective buyers and their listing agent. With all of these unique advantages, it’s a wonder why so few mortgage professionals take advantage of this opportunity.

Now, the pregnant question is: “How can you attract more home sellers as clients?” Here’s how…
By using this new postcard you can quickly and easily create a unique win-win alliance with a moving company to attract a flood of quality referrals. Instead of giving “referral fees”, you can offer to purchase a certain dollar value of their product or service in the form of a “Gift Certificate”. The referral partner’s prospects or clients can redeem this certificate only after they fund a mortgage through you. How’s that for a WIN-WIN!
Here’s how it would work with a moving company…
STEP 1 – Send an email or letter to your clients and realtors asking who they would recommend as “The Best” Moving Company in your area.
STEP 2 – Call that moving company up and ask them this question: “If I was to pay you $250 every time one of your customers used me to finance the purchase of their home, would you be willing to match me by offering a $250 discount, thereby giving the customer a total discount of $500?”
STEP 3 – Ask the moving company what they are already doing to attract new customers. Ask them if they’d be willing to insert this card along with their usual marketing materials from now on. It will boost response for them and it will get the phone ringing for you! A perfect Win-Win!
STEP 4 – If they are motivated, get the moving company to search the MLS for new homes for sale. If not, you can do all the work for them. Compile a list of home sellers who have just put their home on the market in the last 30 days.
STEP 5 – Mail out this card to the list of Home Sellers. For best results, follow-up by phone a week after they receive the card. If they already have a mortgage broker, offer to give them a “Free No Obligation Cost Analysis” to see if you can save them some money. Repeat steps 4-5 every month.
NOTE #1: Ideally, split the cost of the mailings 50/50.
NOTE #2: The amount that you are able to discount on the moving services will be a function of the average dollar value per customer. If the moving company’s dollar value per customer is under $750 per move, you may need to negotiate a smaller discount amount in order to make it financially viable. Whatever they concede as a discount, you would match that amount.
MEMBERS: Click Here to get instant access to this new postcard.
NON-MEMBERS: If you’d like to get instant access to this card, along with over 450 other downloadable templates, ads, postcards, letters, etc. check out this Amazing $1 Trial Offer.
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